Home Fréttir Í fréttum 03.06.2021 Norska Sendiráðið Reykjavík. Innan og utanhúss endurgerð og viðgerðir

03.06.2021 Norska Sendiráðið Reykjavík. Innan og utanhúss endurgerð og viðgerðir

Norska sendiráðið/PJETUR

Statsbygg – The Directorate of Public Construction and Property in Norway – invites you to participate in a tender procedure for the award of the General Contractor contract for the upcoming renovation of the Norwegian Embassy in Fjolugata 15, Reykjavik.


The renovation project includes:

  • Restoration of the façade by restoned surface (“steining”), replacement/restoration of glass/ windows and patio doors, painting of exterior surfaces.
  • Interior repairs and painting of walls, ceilings, house parts and fixtures, check, and repair for water leakage in walls and floors, and build a new small kitchen.
  • A new and more extensive outdoor lighting with restoration after the installation.

The description of work (scope of work) will be in both English and Icelandic.

Tender documents will be submitted electronically by reporting interest to Statsbygg by email to marit.breivik@statsbygg.no.

The procurement procedure is subject to current Norwegian public procurement legislation. This legislation is largely based on EU public procurement directives and therefore presumably similar to Icelandic public procurement legislation.

Statsbygg will carry out the current procurement as an open competition according to Norwegian regulations for public procurement. The procedure is described in part II of the Norwegian procurement regulations (“forskrift om offentlige anskaffelser”). This procedure allows for post-tender negotiations between Statsbygg and the tenderers.

Tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope to the Norwegian Embassy at Fjolugata 17 in Reykjavik no later than 3rd of June at 12:00 hours (Icelandic time).

Opening of the tenders will not be public. Tenders will be opened in the presence of representatives of the Norwegian Embassy, and all the tenderers will be notified by Statsbygg when the evaluation is complete.

A site visit will be arranged according to information in the “Invitation to tender”.

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